did you get the part on Monk?
I got a call from my manager saying
that I had an audition for Monk.
They e-mailed me the character
breakdown, sides, and appointment
time. I went in and auditioned
with the casting directer first.
He gave me a call-back for an
hour later to read for the producers.
At the call-back there was a lot
more people in the room and my
audition was video taped. A few
days later my manager called informing
me I got the part and would be
working for 3 days on the show.
part do you play?
I play the role of Hal, who is
one of two security guards inside
the cab of an armored car carrying
money and bonds. Good buddies,
they're talking about Marty's
upcoming wedding when suddenly
the car is hijacked and literally
pushed into a much bigger tractor
were your scenes shot?
One scene was shot on a side street
in Hollywood near Cahuenga Blvd.
and the other was shot in some
warehouse downtown.
How long did it take?
The first day I shot we worked
for about 13 hours. They had already
been shooting another scene before
I arrived so their day was much
longer than mine. I wasn't needed
the 2nd day and on the 3rd I worked
just a couple of hours for a quick
flashback scene.
like you're in the opening scene.
Did you get a chance to work with
the regular cast?
No I didn't. I worked only with
the other guest stars on the show.
There was a scene that required
us to be dead at the crime scene
while Monk investigates, however
they ended up using body bags
with dummies instead.
the atmosphere like on the set?
Relaxed? Tense?
It was a very laid back set. Everyone
was extremely professional and
highly skilled. I didn't sense
any tension, even after 12 hours,
which is a great environment to
work in.
was the director of the episode
and what was he like to work with?
directer was Jefery
Levy and he was so cool. Very
talented, easy going, and a pleasure
to work with.
mentioned the episode was well
written. What impressed you about
I thought the script was amazing
and the jokes written for Monk
were so funny. I was really impressed
at the overall creativity of the
story and how it tied all the
characters in the episode together.
Plus each character on the show
is so well developed. When you
combine that kind of writing with
such talented actors, the results
are amazing.
you watch the show before you
got the role?
Oh yea! I love the show. So as
you can imagine I was very excited
to get the opportunity to work
on it.
phobias of you own?
No not really. I hate really crowded
places but I guess that's nothing
compared to Monk.
do you enjoy most about acting?
I love everything about it. I'm
just a fan in general of great
stories, whether it be movies,
television, theatre or etc...
And getting the opportunity to
create a character and be someone
else is so much fun. Not to mention
it's very challenging and creative.
It really is an amazing means
of expression.
speaking, what’s the one
thing you’d most like to
do that you haven’t done
Well, there's definitely more
than one, but getting a job as
a series regular on a successful
show sounds pretty good. Just
making a living as a working actor
would make me really happy. After
that, I'd be happy to let the
chips fall where they may.
someone who was once a professional
basketball player, why the switch
to an acting career?
Well, when injuries cut my basketball
career short, I needed something
that I was passionate about that
would challenge me and drive me
the same way that basketball did.
I miss playing ball and competing,
but a lot of the same feelings
I experienced being an athlete
I am now re-experiencing in my
journey to become a successful
actor. Interestingly enough, the
two careers aren't that far off.
can see that a little acting goes
into basketball, but is there
anything you learned from the
sport that helps with acting?
Absolutely. I learned so much
through playing sports. Most importantly
how to compete, how much hard
work goes into something if you
want to be great at it, and how
important perseverance is. Plus
playing in front of 18,000 people
was probably pretty good practice
for performing in front of cameras.
What’s next on your agenda?
I just worked on an episode of
a new show for ABC called "What
About Brian" which was a
lot of fun. Other than that I'm
just making the rounds and auditioning.
I'll be heading home for Christmas
and when I get back Pilot season
will be starting. So hopefully
2006 will be a good year. My fingers
are crossed!
If Rick looks
familiar you may remember him
best from this Amstel light commercial:

Rick's the
guy NOT sticking his tounge out
Or from his
days as a Ohio State Basketball