December 4th 2008
the busy holiday season
Melissa answered all my
questions. Here's what
she had to say.

did you first hear about
the role?
agent, Sheila Ellis, called
me the same day as my
first audition for the
show! I had two hours
to get ready, prepare
and drive to my audition
in Hollywood!
a Monk fan how
did you feel about getting
a chance to audition?
was excited because I
had just watched a Monk
episode on USA. It was
karma! When I was doing
the musical Jersey Boys
to wind down after the
show I would watch Monk
a lot – it comes
on at ALL hours of the
night and even in-between
the matinee and the night
shows on our double days.
Watching the show always
puts me in good spirits
and I was able to see
episodes from all the
was your audition like?
Who was there?
My pre-read or first audition was with
Bronson the casting
associate for Monk
on the Paramount lot. He
was really nice. He asked
a question about one of
my credits on my resume
and then we read the scene
once. He gave me an adjustment
(a redirection). I tried
it again and he said, “Great
come back today at 5pm for
producers and the director.”
I came back for my callback
there were a lot of people
reading for all the roles
in the episode. I was
one of the last actors
to go! When I walked in
the room there were five
people and one of them
was Tony Shalhoub (I did
a double take) –
Ha! I totally didn’t
expect to see him at my
audition. He is a producer
on the show as well as
the star! Tony read with
me, gave me a redirection.
We did the scene twice
and after I chatted with
the casting directors,
Colloff and Amy
McIntyre Britt, and
the episode's director,
Belgrader –
out the door I went! While
in the room they were
taping the session with
a small camera and my
headshot and resume was
on the table. I had a
fun time in the room and
it went well because the
people were friendly and
warm – an environment
that I thrive in –
very actor friendly!

did you find out you got
the part? How did you
feel and what was your
or two days after my callback,
my manager, Paul Bennett
called and said Sheila
Ellis my agent was booking
me for Monk.
He happened to be on the
phone with my agent as
the Monk production
office called to make
an offer!
do you think made them
chose you?
I book a role I don’t
know why I get it or why
I don’t! I prepare
for my audition by doing
all my “homework,”
I listen to and make any
changes they need to see
in the audition, but above
all I go into the room with
two goals to have fun and
to be true to myself and
all the things that make! The rest is up
to the stars, the acting
gods, the other gods and
to the producer and directors!
was your concept of the
Mr. Monk is the title character and
the star of the show so
as a supporting actor
I am there to “support”
Monk with all his OCD
tendencies and quirks.
I played my character
as true to any gal that
would be working in a
recycle center. It was
also a short scene so
I decided the simpler
the better.
What do
you think you may have brought
to the role that wasn’t
in the script?
was your first impression
of the Monk cast
members? Did you get to
work with all of them?
met and acted with two of
the series regulars, Traylor
Howard and Tony Shalhoub.
First, I met Traylor. We
were getting our makeup
done at the same time She
had her son in the trailer
who was really cute. Then
thirty minutes later, Tony
walked in as hair was finishing
my pony tail. He welcomed
me and said hello. Coming
in as a guest for a day
in episodic television can
be tricky because each set
has a different vibe and
every actor has a different
preparation process before
shooting. Two of the show’s
stars welcomed me in the
hair and makeup trailer
in such a kind genuine way....
well, you can’t beat
that kind of greeting in
TV land. They set the day’s
tone on set for me and that
was very helpful.
the cast fun to work with
or was everyone pretty serious
on the set?

was 100 degrees when the
shuttle van dropped us
from base camp to the
shooting location at 12:30pm.
After camera rehearsal
and blocking the temperature
rose to 106 degrees so
basically the goal for
everyone was to do your
job as efficiently as
possible without fainting!
were your scenes filmed?
deep in the valley at
a retro looking strip
mall parking lot.
long did it take to complete
your part of the filming?
I arrived on set at 11am
(there was a late call
time because the cast
and crew had worked late
into the night the day
before). I signed out
after 3pm. We shot three
different angles using
two different cameras
– In front of the
desk master, in front
of the desk close and
behind the desk POV (they
removed the entire back
wall that was behind me
– I didn’t
even realize that the
wall was removable and
that most of the recycle
center was set dressing...
the signs, the wall, props
on the desk, bottles....
What was it like filming Christmas in summer
melty, sticky and itchy...
the back of my jeans stuck
to my skin when I changed
in the trailer after filming...
soaked. They also had huge
tubs filled with gatorade,
ice and wet cloths to cool
everyone down – it
was crazy...BUT it was all
worth it! It was the hottest
Christmas ever!!!
you describe your day on
the set? What’s the
first thing you did when
you got there?

always get to set early
because one has to allow
for intense traffic delays
in LA. I got there as some
of the trailers (production,
hair and make up and the
actor dressing rooms) were
being parked. I always bring
a big bag with snacks, magazines,
a book, a pair of jeans
and makeup (in case) and
my script (which had been
sent to by e-mail a couple
of days before shooting.)
I checked in with the assistant
director or PA and they
showed me to my dressing
room. Someone got me a big
bowl of fruit while I was
was getting my makeup done.
there a lot of waiting around?
My scene was first up on
the shooting schedule so
I was immediately taken
to hair and makeup and wardrobe,
then shuttled to location
for camera rehearsal and
shooting. It happened very
fast, even the rehearsal.
One of my lines was slightly
changed from my audition
and I reverted back to the
original once – whoops
– it was the heat...ahahahaha.
In between takes I mainly
stayed in my recycle booth.
In between camera set ups
I stayed under a tent –
although I could have gotten
back in the van for actors,
but by then I just wanted
to keep my system even by
not getting in and out of
cold and hot!

Monk wouldn’t touch
the change I gave him with
his bare hands so the first
time he pulled out his hanky
it was really cool. I had
to drop his change into
his white hanky- SO MONK!
Tony knows his character
so well and plays him to
perfection in such a believable
way that its fun to act
with him and interesting
to observe as an actor.
How would you compare this experience with
working on other acting
really enjoyed working
on the Monk set.
Everyone I came in contact
with was really great
from makeup and hair,
to the shuttle driver
to the director Andrei
Belgrader – who
happens to teach at my
alma mater USC. We discovered
that in between camera
you had to pick one really
important thing you learned
working on Monk,
what would it be?
106 degree heat, the show
must go on and professionalism
and craft as displayed
by the cast and crew of
Monk makes the show GREAT
to watch and to work on!
led you to acting?
led me to musical theatre
which led me to plays which
led me to commercials and
TV shows! As a child my
parents took me to theatre,
the movies, museums and
we traveled a lot as a family.
My parents also paid for
lessons in dance, piano
and sports and encouraged
my sisters and I to get
involved in a lot of extra
curricular activities. Looking
back I watched very little
television growing up –
I loved being busy playing
or reading.
was your first professional
role? What was that experience

network television my
first role was on an NBC
series called American
Dreams. From audition
to shooting that has been
one of my best acting
experiences. It was a
sleep over scene that
was shot on the shows
sound stage. I was able
to act, dance, sing and
improv so all my training
came to great use. It
was a blast and a great
achievement. My whole
family tuned in for my
small screen debut when
it aired and we were all
very excited. Mostly I
was thankful for having
been given the opportunity
and for being cast by
Adler, the casting
director and Jonathan
Prince the shows producer
when my resume only had
theatre credits. In theatre,
my first professional
show was a touring musical
called The Music Man.
I had just graduated high
school and was able to
perform at Fair Park Music
Hall – the very
stage I had watched many
professional musicals
that came to Dallas. It
was a dream come true
to perform on that stage
and a goal reached. The
cast was amazing and friendly.
I was in heaven touring
and performing eight shows
a week!
are your role models?

mom, sisters Niki and Regan,
Hepburn (did you know
she got fired from big acting
gigs and continued acting!...that
fact puts things in perspective
for me) and Tina Turner
(I think her personal journey
as well as her talent and
spirit are remarkable!)
has been your best acting
experience so far?
project adds layers (good
and bad) to my life experience.
I’ve met amazing
and talented people, learned
religions, cultures, dialects,
artistic styles, traveled
through time, played dress
up and even died. For
me – it is the best
job in the world and I
would not be complete
without it.
great thing about acting
is at the end of the day
or project it's just pretend.
With that said there is
a lot of rejection that
an actor endures. This business
is not for the thin skinned...
but a good actor requires
sensitivity- sometimes it’s
hard to balance. I have
a full life outside of acting-
my hobbies, friends and
family make me a more complete
person and a better actor.
I also found it difficult
while on tour with Jersey
Boys not be able to celebrate
the holidays with my family.
In theatre actors only get
one day off for holidays
and producers can block
out days surrounding holidays.
But you make do and find
new ways to celebrate! |

done a lot of theater
as well as television,
which do you enjoy more
and why?
Both tell great stories
and have impact and relevance!
Theatre and television
mediums have great characters
to be played that reach
audiences. As an actor
I would like to continue
in both mediums because
they require discipline,
skill and craft.
your favorite musical?

Strom in Jersey Boys
Boys (and not because I
was in it!!) I like when
a musical tells a story
through song, dance and
acting- all three combined.
Also it is a must that the
audience can hum at least
three songs after the show!
It’s also a plus if
the audience laughs and
cries- the dichotomy of
drama and comedy has always
interested me. It also makes
a musical exciting to watch
or be in!
you have any other upcoming
am working on a couple of
short films for festivals.
Auditions start back up
in January – keep
your fingers crossed for
do you like better Los Angeles
or San Francisco?
I was performing in Jersey
Boys in SF, I liked being
able to walk everywhere
and I loved the overcast
weather. I like the opportunities
in Los Angeles – lots
of auditions. All my friends
from college (USC) are in
L.A. and my cozy home as
well. Having moved from
Plano, TX to LA to pursue
acting I like Texas better
then L.A. or SF because
my family lives there and
I miss the genuinely friendly
Texan people!!

