
The Monk
Fun Page Episode Review
Major spoilers.
I mean it.

Shalhoub, Hector Elizondo and Tim
It’s here:
the halfway point. “Mr.
Monk Goes to Group Therapy”
is the eighth of sixteen episodes
in the eighth and final season
of Monk. I’m sure
it’s completely subjective,
but it seems like they’re
going by far too quickly and each
episode seems shorter than the
last. Crazy, I know: eight years
of anything else (curtains, jobs,
elected officials, people) is
way too much for me, but I’m
just not ready to let go of Monk.
That each episode so far this
season has been memorable, sharp,
and amusing, doesn’t help
in my letting go process.
I could easily
have watched an hour more of “Group
Therapy”, especially since
the wrap-up seemed oddly rushed.
The episode itself concentrates
more on Monk and his relationships
than it does on the crime of the
week. In particular it deals with
the relationships between Monk
and the two recurring characters
on the show, Dr. Bell (Hector
Elizondo) and Harold Krenshaw

Hector Elizondo |
Neven Bell has been Monk’s
therapist since the beginning of
season seven ("Mr.
Monk Buys a House"), when
his first psychiatrist, Dr. Kroger,
died suddenly off screen. He’s
been a reassuring presence that
Monk the character needed badly
and veteran actor Hector Elizondo
(now 72 years old) has been a reassuring
presence that Monk the
show needed badly after the equally
sudden loss of Stanley
Kamel who played Dr. Kroger.
was a difficult transition for Tony
Shalhoub in particular. “When
I’m in these scenes with Hector
Elizondo who plays Dr. Bell, I sort
of do this internal toast, as it
were to Stanley Kamel, because he
was the original doctor and I like
to think that he’s kind of
there in those sessions with me.
He is missed.” |
Harold Krenshaw
is Monk’s fellow patient
and nemesis since his first appearance
in the season three episode “Mr.
Monk and the Girl Who Cried Wolf.”
This is the ninth and final episode
featuring Tim Bagley as Harold.
“I don't know why they keep
calling Harold Krenshaw back,”
Tim told me in an interview this
past spring, “but I'm thrilled
when they do.” He also added,
“I think we can all agree
that Harold could use some help
from Dr. Bell.”

Tim Bagley |
and Monk can always use some help
from Tim Bagley and Harold Krenshaw.
one more actor in this episode making
a return appearance on the show:
Aquino. She plays fellow group
therapy patient, Rhonda. She also
played the ill-tempered applicant
in “Mr.
Monk and the Red Herring”
who told Monk he didn’t need
a nurse and set his waste basket
on fire right before Natalie walked
into his life. She still has a sharp
tongue as Rhonda, but her character
doesn’t fare so well this
time around.
making a brief appearance in this
episode is actor Mike
Rock who played Lt. Dylan, the
detective in charge of the first
murder, who doesn't realize it is
a murder until Monk shows up to
say otherwise. Mike did a little
email Q&A
with me about working on the show. |
Artisit rendering
of Anton Cropper |
writer of this episode, Joe
Ventura, is a writing partner
of Monk executive producer
and writer Tom
Scharpling. They had a film
project, Jeff
the Demon, which I haven't
heard anything on for the past couple
of years, but these days it takes
a really long time to get a film
out. Mr. Ventura also wrote the
episode "Mr.
Monk and the Bully". |
"Group Therapy"
is a fun and out of the ordinary
episode, but it was a little rough
on star Tony Shalhoub. “Last
night I spent six hours in the
trunk of a car with Tim Bagley
who plays Harold Krenshaw,”
he said during filming. "We
get abducted and jammed into a
trunk. The day before that I was
in a swimming pool fully clothed,
you know, up to my shoulders.
The writers always seem to find
really unglamorous places for
me to wind up.”

Tony Shalhoub,
glamorous as usual |
guess he’s cute… for
a shrink” |

Joelle Carter
as Barbara O'Keefe |
beautiful young woman (Joelle
Carter) is taking her third
bath of the day, during a drought,
and chatting with her mother on
the phone. She talks about her therapist
Dr. Bell. The phone call is cut
off. Her cat pushes open the door,
frightening her. She wonders who
let the cat in, getting out of the
tub to investigate. An unseen intruder
moves out of the shadows and forces
his way into the bathroom. |
next morning the pool guy (Alex
Castillo) makes a gruesome discovery:
The bathtub woman (who we later
learn is Dr. Bell's group therapy
patient, Barbara O’Keefe)
is now floating in the pool naked-ish
and dead. The maid/housekeeper finally
catches a break in this episode:
somebody else gets to find the body.
Carter co-starred with Ted Levine
in Wonderland.
She's also appeared in Cold
Case, CSI:
Miami, Law
& Order and a bunch
of other stuff. |
of bees in blenders.”
later Natalie brings Monk his mail,
which he advises her to throw away.
She opens it anyway while scolding
him about wasting water by washing
a single plate. Apparently there’s
a drought and the reservoir is almost
empty. (We don’t really have
any reservoirs in San Francisco
per se. Most of the city’s
water comes from Hetch
Hetchy Reservoir up in Yosemite.
However, in Monkland apparently
there is a reservoir where one might
hide a body… at least during
the rainy season.) |
One of the letters
is from Monk’s HMO. He knows
that can’t be good news.
“What do you think? I won
a free colonoscopy?”
No, not a colonoscopy.
It’s a cap on the number
of counseling sessions they’ll
cover. Even though that number
is “seven times the national
average”, not surprisingly
Monk is about to exceed it. He
has one session left.
When Monk next
visits his therapist, Dr. Bell
(Hector Elizondo) he comes prepared
with a stack of index cards listing
all his issues and phobia. After
explaining the HMO issue to the
doctor, and rejecting the notion
that he pay the $200 fee himself,
he suggests they “knock
off” as many of his issues
as they can in the one remaining
session. With issues such as “fear
of disappointing his father”
and “sibling rivalry”
and “fear of fear itself”
it doesn’t look too promising.
Dr. Bell suggests that he try
group therapy which is covered
by the HMO. Monk’s not crazy
about that idea. “They don’t
like me. I can’t do it.”
Instead of choosing
the relatively sane option of
group therapy, Monk decides to
join/stalk Dr. Bell on his morning
bike ride, hoping for an open
air session. Natalie thinks it’s
a crazy idea, but she does do
all the pedaling on their bicycle
as Monk tries to engage Dr. Bell
in a discussion about his mother.
The doctor again
advises him to join group therapy
and then speeds away. Natalie
can’t keep up and they tumble
to the ground. Monk surrenders:
“Okay I’ll join the
I want to note
at this point, for the record,
that Hector Elizondo looks exceptionally
fit during the biking scene for
a man of any age, much less 72.
He's not just cute, he's hot.
There, I said it.
gonna put a Kentucky Fried Chicken
on your roof!”
The group therapy
session has just gotten underway
when Monk shows up. Rhonda (Amy
Aquino) has just started complaining
about her job at a medical supply
store, when he pokes his head
in. Dr. Bell introduces him. Group
member Augie (Brad
Grunberg, a.k.a. Johnny Cocktails,
brother of Greg
Grunberg, who guest starred
in "Mr.
Monk and the Actor")
introduces himself by listing
his phobias. Last, but not least
“And of course, you know,
after Natalie let it slip that Monk
was seeing Dr. Bell last season
Monk Fights City Hall”)
Harold Krenshaw (Tim Bagley) promptly
insinuated himself and is now a
patient of Neven’s, as he
calls him. Monk takes this in stride
(sort of) and prepares to sit, but
Rhonda shrilly warns him not to
take Barbara’s seat. “She
was in our group. She died three
weeks ago,” Dr. Bell informs
Monk. |
Augie adds that
she drowned in her pool. Harold
immediately tries to begin the
little game of one-upmanship he
likes to play with Monk, pretending
he’s chummy with Dr. Bell
and that he’s cured of germaphobia
and claustrophobia. He makes fun
of Monk needing an assistant,
finally goading him into an argument.
They begin to bicker viciously
and Dr. Bell separates them.
Later in the
grocery store check out line Monk
complains to Natalie about Harold:
“I hate him. He can go to
hell” and the rest of the
group, “All they did was
drone on and on about their own
lives” and Dr. Bell “He
kept interrupting everybody telling
little parables and stories.”
His whining is
interrupted by Harold, who’s
there to encourage him to quit.
He points out another group member
buying cleaning supplies in the
next aisle, Xavier Danko (Karl
Makinen), who has recently
been cured and “left the
nest” a few weeks before.
Danko was obsessed
with an “exotic dancer”
named Tiffany, but he’s
feeling much better now according
to Harold, who wants to be cured
like Danko and thinks Monk is
hampering that goal. (Correct
me if I’m wrong, but being
obsessed with and stalking an
exotic dancer is a completely
different illness than say claustrophobia.
I think he belonged in a completely
different group.)
Thinking that
Harold doesn’t want him
there, mostly because Harold says
just that, Monk tells him he won’t
be quitting the group.
Later (apparently
several weeks later) Monk and
Natalie are called to a crime
scene, Stottlemeyer and Disher,
in the first of only two scenes
they get in this episode, escort
them to a dead body in an apartment
alley way. They’ve found
a card with Dr. Bell’s name
on it in the dead man’s
pocket and they thought Monk might
know him. He does. It’s
Augie Wellman from his therapy
group. He fell from the apartment
roof and they think it might be
suicide. Of course it’s
not. Monk finds evidence that
the victim was tied up. It was
has a theory. It’s a serial
killer, killing off people according
to their phobias. Monk points out
that Augie wasn’t afraid of
heights. He had arachnophobia. Disher
amends his theory. He’s killing
them with the opposite of their
phobias. He immediately dubs him
“The Opposite Killer”.
Although Stottlemeyer points out
that a spider is not the opposite
of a tall building, Randy clings
to his theory. |
Monk is forming
a theory of his own. He thinks
it’s strange that two members
of his therapy group have died
within two months of each other.
The go to the squad room to talk
with the detective in charge of
the first victim Barbara’s
case, Lt. Dylan (Mike
Rock). He tells them it looked
like an accident and the case
is now cold. The body has been
cremated. Looking at photos of
the scene Monk notices there is
no towel. “I wouldn’t
go swimming first thing in the
morning in October without a towel,”
he says.
(I got news for
you. You can’t go swimming
first thing in the morning in
July or any other month without
a towel in San Francisco.)
any case Monk concludes that she
was murdered. Since she wasn’t
afraid of water, Disher still wants
to credit “The Opposite Killer.”
Stottlemeyer runs out of patience.
“There is no opposite killer.
If there were you would have been
killed by a falling rocket scientist
years ago.” |
What really makes
that scene for me is the reaction
and look that Lt. Dylan gives
Randy after that comment. Just
another example of how well even
the smaller roles are cast on
After the cops
leave to investigate further,
and never return again, Monk has
a realization. “I think
somebody is killing off my therapy
When Natalie
points out that he’s smiling,
he tries unsuccessfully for a
more somber tone. “You’re
still smiling!” says Natalie.
Harold, how is it up there in
Neven’s butt? You lonely?
Getting scared of the dark?”
In Monk’s
next group therapy session the
few remaining members are pretty
bummed about Augie’s death…
even more so when Monk tells them
he thinks Augie was murdered…
and even more than that when he
says Barbara may have been murdered
too… and one of them could
be the killer. “There is
a possibility that one of you
is not quite sane,” he says,
looking straight at Harold.
not surprisingly, picks up on this
and immediately goes on the offensive,
pointing out that Monk had motive
(not wanting to share Dr. Bell with
the group). He gets up and poorly
imitates Monk’s unique Zen
hand moves. He accuses Monk of the
crime and establishes that Monk
also had the means, being a homicide
expert, and the opportunity since
he has no alibis for the times when
Augie and Barbara were killed. |
does his own outrageous and very
funny here’s-what-happened
and describes just how Monk could
have killed them. Dr. Bell tells
him it’s nonsense, but he
seems to halfway convince Monk that
it could be true. I don't know what
it means, but I thought it was visually
interesting that Harold's bogus
flashback scenes were in blue-ish
shadowy tones, rather than the black
and white flashbacks that Monk narrates. |
at home he discusses it with Natalie,
wondering if he could be the killer
and not know it. After all he reminds
her, he’s had blackouts before.
She firmly dismisses the notion
and tells him to concentrate on
the other group members. That’s
a pretty short list now and after
crossing off Harold (“God
would never do that. It would make
me too happy.”) the only one
left is Rhonda. |
go to see her at the medical supply
store where she works, but they
quickly find they can cross her
off the list as well. She’s
dead, apparently overcome by gas
fumes from cleaning supplies. Monk
thinks that’s just how he
might kill someone. Natalie points
out the supplies are not his brand,
but he remembers that it was the
cheap brand they saw ex-patient
Xavier Danko buying. Just as Monk
figures that Danko’s the guy,
Natalie passes out from the cleaning
fumes. He sits her next to an open
window and hears someone in the
store. Arming himself with prosthetic
limbs he searches for the intruder,
but Danko sneaks up behind him and
knocks him out. Monk
wakes up in the trunk of a car with
“I still think it
was you.”
has thrown them both in the trunk
of his Lincoln and he’s driving
over the Bay
Bridge. Monk and Harold scream
for help, but they’re quickly
distracted by who is touching who
in the close quarters of the trunk.
When they have that sorted out Monk
tells Harold “My side’s
at the medical supply store, Natalie
regains consciousness and calls
Stottlemeyer. That’s it. There’s
no more of Natalie in this episode.
I suppose we got a whole lot of
Natalie in the two previous episodes,
and “Voodoo
Curse” and I shouldn’t
be greedy, but I was really expecting
some sort of wrap up that included
her and the rest of the gang after
she made that call. It just seemed
like a scene was missing. |
Harold goes into panic mode, clearly
demonstrating that he hasn’t
conquered his claustrophobia, Monk
calms him down. He confesses that
he admires Harold for being out
in the world despite having the
same issues Monk does. Harold is
still feeling claustrophobic. “I
think we’ve been looking at
this the wrong way,” Monk
tells him. “These walls aren’t
closing in on us. They’re
protecting us. They’re keeping
the bad stuff out.” |
both list the “bad stuff”
including germs, harmonicas, nature,
Harold’s mother and her new
boyfriend… and Xavier Danko.
They’re bonding and they both
agree that the “group therapy
thing really works.”
don't think it's keeping Xavier
Danko out. I’m thinking Xavier
Danko doesn’t need to visualize
a key for that trunk. He’s
probably got a real one.)
takes the police four minutes and
20 seconds to get here. Don’t
friends, they cooperate, using a
tire jack to break open the trunk.
They get it open after Danko has
stopped the car and left. When they
crawl out they find that they’re
at Dr. Bell’s house. Armed
only with a croquet mallet and a
tire iron, they break down his front
door thinking Dr. Bell needs to
be rescued. Turns out not so much. |
Bell has super psychiatrist powers.
Instead of trying to kill him, Danko
is tearfully confessing. He explains
to Monk and Harold that Danko killed
Tiffany Bolt, the “exotic
dancer” he was stalking, and
dumped her body in the reservoir.
When the drought hit he was afraid
she would be discovered. Since his
therapy group could link him to
the crime, he decided to kill them
too. |
Bell doesn’t reveal why Danko
abandoned the plan when it was going
so well. Presumably Neven is a very
smooth talker. Since he’s
already called the police and seems
to have Danko well in hand, Monk
and Harold sit sown for an impromptu
session. They want to share their
breakthrough. “I definitely
think we can cross claustrophobia
off both of our lists,” says
distraught, Danko interrupts to
ask Dr. Bell is he believes in God.
Harold stops him. “Excuse
me my friend was just talking. We
didn’t interrupt you.”
smiles. He has a new friend and
he needs all the friends he can
“This is a good group”
Monk’s next “group”
session he and Dr. Bell are alone
in the office with a lot of empty
chairs. Of course, most of the group
is unfortunately dead. Monk asks
where Harold is and Dr. Bell tells
him Harold has found another doctor
so that Monk can have the sessions
all to himself. “A friend
like that is a blessing,”
he says. Monk is very happy to return
to the status quo, albeit in much
less comfy chairs, and that the
sessions are still covered by his
HMO. |
Bell will be making at least one
more appearance, but it looks like
this is the last of Harold. It’s
a shame. I would have liked to see
the new friendship grow. I think
Tim Bagley knew that the relationship
could go in that direction. He once
said: “I see Harold Krenshaw
as a very sad little needy man who
sees a lot of himself in Adrian
Monk, and instead of being best
of friends with him, he chooses
to compete, and undermine, and loathe
him.” |
It’s nice
to see they’re not afraid
to redefine the relationships
and take some chances in the final

Rock as Lt. Dylan
Photo by Monk Crew |
Rock is a hard working actor
who co-stars in "Group
Therapy" as the SFPD
detective, Lieutenant Dylan
and has also made appearances
in Law
& Order and
The Naked Brothers Band:
The Movie as well
as numerous commercials
(you can see
one at the bottom of
this page) and lots of theater.
He's also a voice over artist
and a writer. Like Tony
Shalhoub he haiIs from the
dairy state of Wisconsin.
I prevailed upon him to
tackle a few questions about
his Monk experience and
he really stepped up. |
did you get the part on Monk?
Well, one of the casting
associates (Corbin) had
seen me do a short scene
in an actor's showcase night
and he saw an opportunity
to bring me in for a role.
They had originally read
me for a different part
and liked what I did with
it, but as happens sometimes,
they decided I should do
this role instead. I was
very gratified to be considered
for both.
do you think they chose
you for the role?
think the role called for
a certain degree of gravity,
seriousness, a detective
who is somewhat self-assured
and has a bit of authority
(not so much to come off
as challenging the Captain)
just confident enough in
his work to be a bit bothered
by Mr. Monk's inquiry. I
am told I possess a degree
of all those things, so
I guess it's close to me.
was your concept of the
character? How did you approach
it? |
concept of the character
came from the script:
as I said, he had to have
a bit of seriousness and
pride in his work so that
he's a tad bothered by
Mr. Monk's desire to re-examine
his case. He seemed to
me a hard-working, no
b.s. type of detective
who doesn't like to second
guess himself let alone
have others second guess
him. I approached it thinking:
well, I take pride in
my work and like to be
thorough so it can be
tough when someone who's
~not~ my boss /director
challenges that, so how
would this guy feel? And
I'm an actor; not a homicide
detective, so this guy
(Lt. Dylan) has a lot
more at stake than I do
when he feels challenged.
do you think you may have
brought to the role that
wasn't in the script?
is a tough question because
the Monk scripts
are so well written; it
sounds sort of cliche
to say it but "it's
all on the page"
meaning, everything you
need to understand your
character is in the script
already. However, any
actor, just by playing
a role, naturally brings
something to it that can't
be seen in the written
form. (Smart-alecky comments
about "typical actors"
aside) we are 3-dimensional
humans and when we play
a role we can't help but
bring part of ourself
to it. Specifically though,
and at the risk of sounding
pompous, I feel like perhaps
I was able to make Lt.
Dylan slightly more nuanced
than one might expect
to see in an co-star role
cop on episodic television.
I hope in my very brief
scene I was able to convey
a character who took his
job and the situation
very seriously, was able
to stand up for himself
& his work but also
realized he'd been proven
wrong and finally I hoped
to convey that, even though
you'd never seen him before--
he was a co-worker, teammate,
etc on the SFPD and had
a relationship with the
other characters.
long did it take?
Monk crew works like
a well-oiled machine.
my scene was done in a
few short hours. I think
I arrived around 10:00am
and left around 2:00pm.
That includes wardrobe,
make-up, rehearsal and
shooting from all the
the atmosphere on the
set like?
was a very, very friendly
set. I felt very welcome,
supported and respected
at every turn. Not that
that is so terribly unusual,
but there are people who
take an extra moment to
be friendly and that's not
always the case –
people on sets are very
busy and in most cases,
seconds count. You come
to expect that exchanges
with crew will be quick
and to the point. so when
people are extra nice, you
notice. Plus since the show
was ending, some people
had a sort of wistfulness
or nostalgia going on. It's
hard to explain. But I was
really happy to have been
able to meet and work with
was the director of the
episode and what was he
like to work with?
Cropper. He had been 1st
Assistant Director on something
like 41 episodes, so he
was part of the family for
a long, long time. He was
so nice and so easy to work
with it was great. I knew
from the audition (for the
other role) that he was
a nice guy and good with
actors. On set he was mellow
and made me feel very much
at home. Which of course
is what you want –
to be relaxed – so
you can do your job and
do it right.
roles are sometimes harder
than larger roles in a sense
because your scene is usually
very, very brief. Sometimes
you have only a word or
two or even no dialogue
at all and you've never
been on that set before
(co-star actors only very
rarely return because the
characters rarely return
and it's nearly never that
an actor who'd been a co-star
would return to a show in
a different role –
almost never) so you don't
have days of preparation
and rehearsal and time to
get to know everyone –
you just jump in and do
it. So naturally, you want
to do well, do it right
the first time, not waste
anyone's time etc, etc.,
because you know the cast
and crew have much more
to work on so you don't
want to hold up the show....
A co-star is a bit like
a plumber or an electrician
or something; you show up
with a certain duty to perform,
you don't spend a lot of
time hanging out, you come
prepared to do the job under
whatever conditions are
present and that's it.
was the most memorable moment
for you during the filming? |
most memorable moment during
the filming - well, can
I pick two? If you look
a the scene, Ted Levine
& Jason Gray-Stanford
and I are kind of squished
together; Anton & Ted
worked it out so I would
start closest to Tony, explaining
my case and that when Monk
noticed something, The Captain
would kind of "pull-rank"
& push past me to get
closer. |
could have just had me step
out of the shot at that
point, but Ted & Jason
wanted to make sure my character
stayed involved in the scene
– it was a nice gesture.
The other was a moment in
one of the takes where I
somehow slowed down a couple
words in my longer sentence
and I felt it happen and
thought "hm, hope no
one else caught that"
but of course 5 seconds
later Anton came up and
whispered something like:
"that was great, let's
just pick up the pace a
you watch the show before
you got the role?
had, yes. I am a Monk
fan. Sorry to see it go.
and Tony Shalhoub are both
from Wisconsin. Did you
have a chance to discuss
that with him or find out
if you have anything else
in common?
We know some people in common
and of course have spent
time in a lot of the same
places. We dairy state folks
like to stick together.
It was fun talking about
that stuff.
did you get into acting? |
am one of seven children,
and one of the younger ones,
so I was always performing
- from the beginning. To
paraphrase David Letterman,
I think comedians &
actors go into their line
of work because they either
got too much attention as
a kid; or not enough. I
always knew I wanted to
be one of the people I saw
on movies & on tv, so
when a neighbor & friend
of my folks was directing
a play and asked my mom
(and me) if I'd like to
do it, I was pretty psyched.
I think I was around 8 or
9 years old. From there,
I just kept finding plays
and things to feed the habit.
I took any & every opportunity
to make presentations in
school (or just be a class
clown.) I think it was really
a clumsy attempt to impress
girls. (Note: I should've
learned to play guitar and
been in a rock band.)
do you enjoy most about acting?
I have always felt this instinctual
need or desire to entertain people,
bring people together, to put people
at ease, in a way. As I said, it
started in my large family. Making
my parents and siblings, etc, laugh
was (and still is) my biggest thrill.
That developed, as I grew up, to
include not just making people laugh
but moving people, affecting people,
educating, motivating or simply
distracting people from their day-to-day
worries, etc.. So, I guess what
I enjoy most is the combination
of the chance to effect people in
a positive way and the feeling of
putting to good use the creative
tools I've been given. At the risk
of sounding cheesy, I do believe
that artists in general and actors
(in my case) specifically, channel
something from the universe and
are driven to express it. The writer
Lee Burke said: "Whatever
degree of creative talent I possess
was not earned, but was given to
me by a power outside myself, for
a specific purpose, one that has
little to do with my own life."
That's a powerful, if extreme, viewpoint
about being artistically inclined.
What has been your
best acting experience so far?
Hm. I'm always looking forward to
whatever is coming next so I feel
like I couldn't really pick a "best."
For years I did improvisation &
then sketch comedy with a group
of my best friends. We had many
moments over the years one could
describe as "magical,"
"transcendent" and "amazing."
We shared a lot of career "firsts"
with one-another as writer/actors
too. Personally, I have been lucky
enough to hear about some moments
when someone was particularly moved
by a performance and when that happens,
it is incredibly humbling and gratifying.
I guess whenever the whole experience
"clicks" on a project
& in a scene; it feels completely
natural, time disappears and there's
this flow of creativity and connectedness;
with the material, the actors, the
director, the audience. Anytime
you achieve something close to that,
it's a great experience. |
speaking, what's the one thing you'd
most like to do that you haven't
done yet?
a bad guy. Or a secretly bad guy.
Or a good guy who you think is a
bad guy but who, in the end, turns
out to have been a good guy all-along
but was just misunderstood. That
and get a recurring role on a tv
next on your agenda?
I'm busy auditioning, doing commercials
& voice-overs and with the help
of friends, currently editing the
pilot episode of a potential web
series I co-wrote & acted in. |

Photo by Monk Crew
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Rock at MySpace
