Rock as Lt. Dylan
Photo by Monk Crew |
Mike Rock
is a hard working actor
who co-stars in "Mr.
Monk Goes to Group Therapy"
as the SFPD detective, Lieutenant
Dylan. He's also made appearances
in Law
& Order and
The Naked Brothers Band:
The Movie as well
as numerous commercials
(you can see
one at the bottom of
this page) and lots of theater.
He's also a voice over artist
and a writer. Like Tony
Shalhoub he haiIs from the
dairy state of Wisconsin.
I prevailed upon him to
tackle a few questions about
his Monk experience and
he really stepped up. |
did you get the part on Monk?
Well, one of the casting
associates (Corbin) had
seen me do a short scene
in an actor's showcase night
and he saw an opportunity
to bring me in for a role.
They had originally read
me for a different part
and liked what I did with
it, but as happens sometimes,
they decided I should do
this role instead. I was
very gratified to be considered
for both.
do you think they chose
you for the role?
think the role called for
a certain degree of gravity,
seriousness, a detective
who is somewhat self-assured
and has a bit of authority
(not so much to come off
as challenging the Captain)
just confident enough in
his work to be a bit bothered
by Mr. Monk's inquiry. I
am told I possess a degree
of all those things, so
I guess it's close to me.
was your concept of the
character? How did you approach
it? |
concept of the character
came from the script:
as I said, he had to have
a bit of seriousness and
pride in his work so that
he's a tad bothered by
Mr. Monk's desire to re-examine
his case. He seemed to
me a hard-working, no
b.s. type of detective
who doesn't like to second
guess himself let alone
have others second guess
him. I approached it thinking:
well, I take pride in
my work and like to be
thorough so it can be
tough when someone who's
~not~ my boss /director
challenges that, so how
would this guy feel? And
I'm an actor; not a homicide
detective, so this guy
(Lt. Dylan) has a lot
more at stake than I do
when he feels challenged.
do you think you may have
brought to the role that
wasn't in the script?
is a tough question because
the Monk scripts
are so well written; it
sounds sort of cliche
to say it but "it's
all on the page"
meaning, everything you
need to understand your
character is in the script
already. However, any
actor, just by playing
a role, naturally brings
something to it that can't
be seen in the written
form. (Smart-alecky comments
about "typical actors"
aside) we are 3-dimensional
humans and when we play
a role we can't help but
bring part of ourself
to it. Specifically though,
and at the risk of sounding
pompous, I feel like perhaps
I was able to make Lt.
Dylan slightly more nuanced
than one might expect
to see in an co-star role
cop on episodic television.
I hope in my very brief
scene I was able to convey
a character who took his
job and the situation
very seriously, was able
to stand up for himself
& his work but also
realized he'd been proven
wrong and finally I hoped
to convey that, even though
you'd never seen him before--
he was a co-worker, teammate,
etc on the SFPD and had
a relationship with the
other characters.
long did it take?
Monk crew works like
a well-oiled machine.
my scene was done in a
few short hours. I think
I arrived around 10:00am
and left around 2:00pm.
That includes wardrobe,
make-up, rehearsal and
shooting from all the
the atmosphere on the
set like?
was a very, very friendly
set. I felt very welcome,
supported and respected
at every turn. Not that
that is so terribly unusual,
but there are people who
take an extra moment to
be friendly and that's not
always the case –
people on sets are very
busy and in most cases,
seconds count. You come
to expect that exchanges
with crew will be quick
and to the point. so when
people are extra nice, you
notice. Plus since the show
was ending, some people
had a sort of wistfulness
or nostalgia going on. It's
hard to explain. But I was
really happy to have been
able to meet and work with
was the director of the
episode and what was he
like to work with?
Cropper. He had been 1st
Assistant Director on something
like 41 episodes, so he
was part of the family for
a long, long time. He was
so nice and so easy to work
with it was great. I knew
from the audition (for the
other role) that he was
a nice guy and good with
actors. On set he was mellow
and made me feel very much
at home. Which of course
is what you want –
to be relaxed – so
you can do your job and
do it right.
roles are sometimes harder
than larger roles in a sense
because your scene is usually
very, very brief. Sometimes
you have only a word or
two or even no dialogue
at all and you've never
been on that set before
(co-star actors only very
rarely return because the
characters rarely return
and it's nearly never that
an actor who'd been a co-star
would return to a show in
a different role –
almost never) so you don't
have days of preparation
and rehearsal and time to
get to know everyone –
you just jump in and do
it. So naturally, you want
to do well, do it right
the first time, not waste
anyone's time etc, etc.,
because you know the cast
and crew have much more
to work on so you don't
want to hold up the show....
A co-star is a bit like
a plumber or an electrician
or something; you show up
with a certain duty to perform,
you don't spend a lot of
time hanging out, you come
prepared to do the job under
whatever conditions are
present and that's it.
was the most memorable moment
for you during the filming? |
most memorable moment during
the filming - well, can
I pick two? If you look
a the scene, Ted Levine
& Jason Gray-Stanford
and I are kind of squished
together; Anton & Ted
worked it out so I would
start closest to Tony, explaining
my case and that when Monk
noticed something, The Captain
would kind of "pull-rank"
& push past me to get
closer. |
could have just had me step
out of the shot at that
point, but Ted & Jason
wanted to make sure my character
stayed involved in the scene
– it was a nice gesture.
The other was a moment in
one of the takes where I
somehow slowed down a couple
words in my longer sentence
and I felt it happen and
thought "hm, hope no
one else caught that"
but of course 5 seconds
later Anton came up and
whispered something like:
"that was great, let's
just pick up the pace a
you watch the show before
you got the role?
had, yes. I am a Monk
fan. Sorry to see it go.
and Tony Shalhoub are both
from Wisconsin. Did you
have a chance to discuss
that with him or find out
if you have anything else
in common?
We know some people in common
and of course have spent
time in a lot of the same
places. We dairy state folks
like to stick together.
It was fun talking about
that stuff.
did you get into acting? |
I am one of seven children, and one
of the younger ones, so
I was always performing
- from the beginning. To
paraphrase David Letterman,
I think comedians &
actors go into their line
of work because they either
got too much attention as
a kid; or not enough. I
always knew I wanted to
be one of the people I saw
on movies & on tv, so
when a neighbor & friend
of my folks was directing
a play and asked my mom
(and me) if I'd like to
do it, I was pretty psyched.
I think I was around 8 or
9 years old. From there,
I just kept finding plays
and things to feed the habit.
I took any & every opportunity
to make presentations in
school (or just be a class
clown.) I think it was really
a clumsy attempt to impress
girls. (Note: I should've
learned to play guitar and
been in a rock band.)
do you enjoy most about
I have always felt this
instinctual need or desire
to entertain people, bring
people together, to put
people at ease, in a way.
As I said, it started in
my large family. Making
my parents and siblings,
etc, laugh was (and still
is) my biggest thrill. That
developed, as I grew up,
to include not just making
people laugh but moving
people, affecting people,
educating, motivating or
simply distracting people
from their day-to-day worries,
etc.. So, I guess what I
enjoy most is the combination
of the chance to effect
people in a positive way
and the feeling of putting
to good use the creative
tools I've been given. At
the risk of sounding cheesy,
I do believe that artists
in general and actors (in
my case) specifically, channel
something from the universe
and are driven to express
it. The writer James
Lee Burke said: "Whatever
degree of creative talent
I possess was not earned,
but was given to me by a
power outside myself, for
a specific purpose, one
that has little to do with
my own life." That's
a powerful, if extreme,
viewpoint about being artistically
What has
been your best acting experience
so far?
Hm. I'm always looking forward
to whatever is coming next
so I feel like I couldn't
really pick a "best."
For years I did improvisation
& then sketch comedy
with a group of my best
friends. We had many moments
over the years one could
describe as "magical,"
and "amazing."
We shared a lot of career
"firsts" with
one-another as writer/actors
too. Personally, I have
been lucky enough to hear
about some moments when
someone was particularly
moved by a performance and
when that happens, it is
incredibly humbling and
gratifying. I guess whenever
the whole experience "clicks"
on a project & in a
scene; it feels completely
natural, time disappears
and there's this flow of
creativity and connectedness;
with the material, the actors,
the director, the audience.
Anytime you achieve something
close to that, it's a great
speaking, what's the one
thing you'd most like to
do that you haven't done
a bad guy. Or a secretly
bad guy. Or a good guy who
you think is a bad guy but
who, in the end, turns out
to have been a good guy
all-along but was just misunderstood.
That and get a recurring
role on a tv show.
next on your agenda?
I'm busy auditioning, doing
commercials & voice-overs
and with the help of friends,
currently editing the pilot
episode of a potential web
series I co-wrote &
acted in. |

by Monk Crew
Rock on Twitter
Rock at MySpace
Monk Fun Page Review of
"Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy"
